Morning Supply of Sunshine

“As you rise, you set your eyes to the sky. As you rise, you awake to your Self.”

In this recording, you are transported to the land of joy and serenity. You begin your day with a burst of sunshine. I had the honour to channel beautiful angels of joy which you can hear in the first part of the recording, followed by light codes for the day, and lastly, followed by the chant of whom I call the Great Mother of all mothers.

They rejoice in our acceptance of something greater than us. They encourage our curiosity in following the flow and remembering our emergence from the 3D world. They are teaching us that joy carries so much more weight than fear and control. Relinquish control and surrender to the beauty and wave of joy. Allow Spirit to carry you beyond this world and walk among all, knowing that you are supported fully and loved unconditionally. When trouble seems to surface, remember that The Great Divine Mother supports you and surrounds you always. You are safe in her mystical arms.


A Cup Of Light


Undeniably forgiven